Accessibility Statement
Salvagnini Italia S.p.A is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with Italian Law No. 4 of January 2004.
This Accessibility Statement applies to the following website: https://www.salvagninigroup.com.
Compliance status
This website is partially compliant with the requirements of Annex A of UNI EN 301549:2018 (WCAG 2.1) due to the cases of non-compliance and/or exceptions listed below.
Not accessible contents
The outcome of this accessibility statement is based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 standards and on the user experience of a test panel made up of people with a diverse range of disabilities who tested the site. They employed assistive technologies such as the most commonly used screen readers (Jaws, NVDA or VoiceOver) whose purpose is to interpret page content, presenting it as speech output.
The test shows that some users may experience difficulties when interacting with some pages or functions as they’re only partially accessible. Violations of accessibility standards as per Italian Law 4/2004 are listed below.
1.1.1 Non-text Content: some graphic elements on the website lack text alternatives. Example: the logo in the footer. Other alternative texts are not consistent with the message conveyed by the image. Example: the alternative text associated with images on the CONTACT US page.
1.3.1 Info and Relationships: the search field on the website does not have a label.
1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum): the website contains colour contrast violations, especially for grey text over a light grey background. Example: the secondary menu on the website. Furthermore, some texts appear on irregular background images, which does not ensure full readability of the content. Example: the SUSTAINABILITY page.
2.1. Keyboard Accessible: the website enables keyboard navigation. However, the focus is not always visible and some elements are impossible to interact with using the keyboard. Example: the “Products” category in the menu cannot be expanded by keyboard.
2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide: an automatic slideshow is displayed on the CONTACT US page.
2.4.1 Bypass Blocks: bypass blocks, or skip links, are not provided on the website.
2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context): the website contains ambiguous links, as they do not provide an explanation of the link’s function and purpose and its destination. Example: “Learn more” and “Explore”. Furthermore, the website contains several empty links. Example: links associated with the social media icons in the footer.
2.4.6 Headings and Labels: heading level H1 is missing and heading levels are not always used consistently on the homepage.
To conclude, we report that users cannot perceive that the “Products” item can be expanded when navigating the main menu via screen readers.
Accessibility statement preparation
This Statement was prepared on September 2nd 2024.
It was written after completing an accessibility evaluation by means of a third-party assessment.
How to notify accessibility issues
Users can, at any time, report accessibility issues. To do so, they can send an email to accessibility@salvagninigroup.com
Feedback mechanism: accessibility@salvagninigroup.com
Responsible for reporting: alberto.colpo@salvagninigroup.com
How to notify the Agency for digital Italy (AgID)
In the event of an unsatisfactory response or failure to respond, within thirty days of reporting accessibility issues, the interested party may notify the AgID, using the following link https://www.agid.gov.it/
Website information
Website publication date: January 26th 2023
Did the owner of the website run usability tests? Yes
Content Management System (CMS) used: Neos
Inclusion in the workspace
Number of employees with disabilities: 25
Number of adapted workstations for employees with disabilities: 0